Do we look wonderful or what Prince Go Go? 

All This For my hair cut! Sure Glad I LOVE The Healthy Spot Spa!!- I miss my Family and all the heatars of green grass -- my own bedroom , food enough with my Tata's huge spread of (diet) food!!
Lord Captain Bowes Rees Dutifully reporting in about our day at the spa. Having suffered a slight bout of anxiety this morning in an unusual moment of weakness the day has turned out to be a wonderful day of success. I am back to looking as handsome as ever and as for the rest of the group who were with me today, they too are very happy and we all be going to are new favorite healthy spot from now on!! You can thank my Mum and Tata Carol Ann for finding such a wonderful place! And the staff they are just too cool for words! I want to say thank you to
CASI- she did me Lord Cappy
CHRIS- Prince Gomez
Melissa – The head greater (she the woman in the know)
And a very special thank you to Mr. Andrew is one of the owners and was very nice to our mum.
Prince Gomez lost five pounds of hair today and looks extremely svelte his dark eyes now stand out like a pilot goggles.
And as for my little brother Hombre Pequeño no change in his hair but thank the heaven above for his nails are a good bit shorter and he now smells sweet like a Mexican rose.
You can find out more about the healthy Spot by calling them or going to the web site. Thank you again Healthy Spot!! We all Love you and had a great day at the spa!!
This is you loyal friend and reporter Lord captain Bowes Rees saying "That is it for today from sunny Los Angeles CA and as we say in London , Ta-ta, Cheerio".
Lord Captain Bowes Rees Dutifully reporting in about our day at the spa. Having suffered a slight bout of anxiety this morning in an unusual moment of weakness the day has turned out to be a wonderful day of success. I am back to looking as handsome as ever and as for the rest of the group who were with me today, they too are very happy and we all be going to are new favorite healthy spot from now on!! You can thank my Mum and Tata Carol Ann for finding such a wonderful place! And the staff they are just too cool for words! I want to say thank you to
CASI- she did me Lord Cappy
CHRIS- Prince Gomez
Melissa – The head greater (she the woman in the know)
And a very special thank you to Mr. Andrew is one of the owners and was very nice to our mum.
Prince Gomez lost five pounds of hair today and looks extremely svelte his dark eyes now stand out like a pilot goggles.
And as for my little brother Hombre Pequeño no change in his hair but thank the heaven above for his nails are a good bit shorter and he now smells sweet like a Mexican rose.
You can find out more about the healthy Spot by calling them or going to the web site. Thank you again Healthy Spot!! We all Love you and had a great day at the spa!!
This is you loyal friend and reporter Lord captain Bowes Rees saying "That is it for today from sunny Los Angeles CA and as we say in London , Ta-ta, Cheerio".
Healthy Spot
1110 Wilshire Blvd
Santa Monica, CA 90401
(310) 458-2004
Hours: Mon-Fri 8am-9pm Sat-Sun 9am-8pm
They look Marvelous after their spa day!