A Dog's Voyage Around the World™
is a story about a pet Lifestyle Advisor and her almost Divorced Husband of 18 years marriage who takes there 4 dogs + there sister dog Prince Gomez back east to their beach home in the Hampton's for the month of AUG. when on a rainy day when the family is off in South Hampton buying supplies for the weekend party the gang of 8 dogs 4 who live back east and the 4 who come to visit for one month begin what will be known as there Voyage around the world ™. This is a funny at times thrilling, story and will be made into a Movie in the year 2012. All rights reserved under Wendy Nan Rees and have been registered to the Writers Guild of America all material is original ©2009WNR Company

Paws who help out

From time to time, you'll find my dog friends here posting other helpful dog information, along with updates about me and my mom's travels, books and movie coming out !! Woof Woof

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I'm Still Your Dog poem

This is so fitting for animals with disabilities or elderly animals. They all deserve a chance and our love.

I'm Still Your Dog

Because I'm "just a dog" you see, I don't sigh and say, "why me?" I just face it- go on livin' and play the hand that I've been given.

I need you more now, that is true, for there are things I just can't do. The ball you throw I can't catch- I can't even lift my leg to scratch.

It's embarrassing a little- that I may need your help to piddle. But if our roles they were reverse, I'd be proud to be your nurse.

But hey, I love you more than ever. Me, give up? Well yeah, like never. I don't regret what cannot be- with you my friend, I'll just me me!

I'm still me within my soul where it counts, I still am whole. My back is bent and I'm quite lame, but in my heart I'm still the same.

by Julia Wrigley Smith


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