I’ve just had the most amazing holiday this thanksgiving, with all my friends, family and a few paws I didn’t know. We talked, we PLAYED and laughed all day, it was wonderful. We tend to forget, well I do of the importance of friends and family whilst we carry out our usual, busy daily routines like going for a walk down to the beach playing ball. By the way the long sandy path leading to the beach is becoming much rougher since the humans decided to mix in a few larger pebbles to make it easier for them to walk down. They forget we have little paws and do NOT wear sandals to protect our little feet, it hurts. So to all the humans out there, please think of your four legged friends whilst you are planning to make life easier for yourselves. That’s my little rant for the day, back to the great holidays. Peachy, who is a beautiful Labrador was so funny, Prince of Morocco, Gomez, Mom and Pa had just had the pool cleaned and re-filled with fresh sparkling water, so every time their backs where turned and not looking he would jump in, Splish, Splash, Splash everywhere and before you knew it we all followed. It was brilliant so, so much fun! we all loved it.
Just before I go as my Mom is calling, I would like to thank Mom and Pa for taking me to the “Castle” for thanksgiving and for all the lovely food, especially those crunchy new biscuits they were great. Also I would like to say thank you to Gomez for inviting all those lovely new friends to the party.
Ta-ta, Cheerio,
Love Cappy Bowes Rees
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