“Intentional Animal Cruelty”
Please support our mission to end cruelty to animals and publicize this tragedy to help our friend, WenWen, cope with her grief and loss. Our prayers are with her, Wendy Nan Rees
From our dear friend Wen Wen Lin,
My name is Wen Wen Lin, and I would like to raise a case of “Intentional Animal Cruelty”, against Olivia Kuo, the dog-sitter for my pug, sat-chit, 4 years of age, delaying a care for him, in time of life and death, that eventually caused his untimely death.
(1) June 10 at 4 pm: the dog sitter Olivia Kuo came with her boyfriend to pick up my PUG, Sat-chit, for boarding at HER home. I advise her it is extremely dangerous for pug in the summer heat, and "a few pugs DIE “every year because of heat related issue due to the caretakers negligent. please be very careful, and only walk him in early morning, or later in the day when the temperature is lower.", and in case of emergency regarding heat, run his body with water immediately until temperature comes down to save him.
And when she informed me that her room is hot with sunlight, I send her a check to cover her expense of electricity for A.C. immediately which she cashed.
(2) Sat. July 7, in the afternoon, according to the dog sitter Olivia Kuo, around 4-5 pm, she walked sat-chit, against my advice, in the heat of 96 degree outside, the hottest day of the heat-wave in july. When she brought my dog home, he was heat-struck, and panting very badly, really apparent in need for immediate action and care, not only did she NOT providing any care to cool him down, she left the room quickly to go to a party/work(??) (she told different story to me, and to my mediator G. Adams later), and she left him on his own without turning on the AC on her 6th floor apartment, flooded with sunlight and heat at more than 90 degree inside.
(3) Sat. July 7, around 10ish pm, she came back 4-5 hrs later after the party, she found my pug, Sat-Chit, lay dying, and although he was still alive, soft and shaking, appeared to be in convulsion, vomiting blood and in coma, she did NOTHING-- she did not send him to the emergency room to save his life-- like she said she did-- she was there to see him suffered to death.
(4) Sun, July 8th 3:42am, she e-mailed and lied to me, (when i was overseas working)-- in the e-mail, she told me that she came home saw my dog looked dying, but still soft, and took him to the vet, but the vet said that there is nothing they could do to save him. So they pronounced him dead. (i will forward her message to you in a different e-mail.)
(5) Sun July 8th, 9ish-am (Eastern time, I was in China, so there was a 12 hrs difference), i opened the e-mail message from her after coming back to my hotel room about my dog passing on, and called her right away for 5 times and finally woke her up from her sleep, got through at 9:47am.. (7/8/2012 9:47:31 AM] *** 呼叫 olivia kuo,持续时间 12:30-- record from skype). and we talked for 12 and a half minutes. she described in details, that she saw him near dying, shaking, with blood in his mouth, but still soft, she took him to the emergency room right away, and when the doctor saw my dog, sat-chit, he said there was nothing he could do. Then my dog then "died there in the hospital." (her words), and now in the hospital waiting to be cremated, while in truth, my dog was right next to her on the floor of her home and was never been brought to the hospital for ER visit.
She saw my dog, "yes shaking a lot"(her words)-- sat-chit was still alive when she got home on July 7th, and she saw the condition that he was in, and saw him suffered, which was caused by her walking him in extreme heat, and then left alone for hours in a heated room without AC to start with, she did not take him to the hospital to be treated. She saw him suffered until he died. This constitutes "intentional cruelty" to an animal in need of care, at the moment of life and death, but did not provide proper care for the animal in need —this is a criminal case, not just a civil case of negligent.
(6) Sunday 2-3 pm: the babysitter Olivia Kuo, wrapped sat-chit's dead body up from her apartment, and send him to blvd clinic. The case was handled by Mellisa in BLVD Clinic. She never took my dog to the hospital when he was still alive, suffering and still have a chance to save him. My friend G. Adams, (whom acts as a mediator between the dog sitter Olivia Kuo and i ), and i found out via calling Boulevard Clinic on July 10th. Blvd Animal Clinic 718-261-1231. and we talked to Mellisa, and she told us the dog sitter, Olivia Kuo, did not bring my dog in on Saturday to ER for treatment and diagnosis. In fact, my dog never got to see a vet. The dog-sitter, Olivia Kuo, brought him in on Sunday, around 2-3 pm, in a bag, already dead, and she asked for him directly to be cremated without seeing a doctor.
All the dog sitter’s, Olivia Kuo’s lies were to cover the facts that she did not send sat-chit to emergency room when there might still be a chance of saving him.
Thank you for your support, Wen Wen
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Tips to safeguard your pet from pet sitter cruelty;
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Willie G |
Look for a reliable pet sitting company that is bonded and has a good solid reputation before you hire an individual claiming to know what they are doing without a solid reputation to back them up.
Do not hire pet sitters who have no training or experience to work with animals. Many people are out of work today and love animals, the internet and other media outlets have made pet sitting look like an easy income for many pet lovers but not all animal lovers are experienced in the aspects of caring for the many emergencies that can arise when you bring a new pet into the home, kennel or care facility.
Ask about the person’s professional animal experience. Where did they acquire their knowledge to care for your pet and what do they know about animal keeping in general?
Animal husbandry and animal keeping, along with pet care are each areas of a whole science that is taught at universities and schools around the world. Pet care professionals undergo years of training and experience. They continue to learn everyday they work with animals because animal are unique individuals, animals are not an object that can be left on a wall, shelve and not in an apartment or car, especially in extreme heat.
Pets are alive, living breathing animals, just like us and each pet has their own unique traits which we have to adapt to living in our human world.
Look for an excellent pet sitter or care giver who puts your animal first. One who has the ability and desire to help your pet adapt to the new environment and await your return in comfort without expecting your pet to conform to how they keep animals. If they are not willing to go the extra step for your pet’s comfort then they are not worthy of your pet’s company or your cash.
Stay safe fellow pets, bye, Willie G and Miss Daisy at Family Disaster Dogs
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