FATHER: Rey de España de George de la Costa
The story of Little man is one that is a bit on the sad side but one with a very happy ending it is just that as brothers Cappy tends to use this when they bicker and I do not like to tell it often but I know it is important to have it down for the family history so I am going to put it down once for you all here. This is Cappy Mum writing and nor the good Lord himself, as he would tend to embellish this a bit too much.
Little Man’s Full name- Prince:Hombre Pequeño príncipe Víctor Geroge Rees (Bastard out of wedlock Mama has an indirection which is why he was sent to me and could not grow up in his beloved México and is why he was shipped to me so that he could grow up as an American and this is why Cappy cannot really out rank him but Cappy sure does try all the time. The sad part is little man has no Papers to show his Linage.
It does not help he will not learn English just a bit of Spanglish we call it here in Los Angeles. Little Man is very happy that Cousin Gomez is staying with us while the family is moving into the castle because he speaks Spanish beautiful and Cappy just cannot stand it I speck ALL THREE LANGUAGES.
Pictures Taken in Mexico City when visiting Birth Mother.
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