Lord Captain Bowes Rees dutifully reporting in about our
BIG Voyage getting ready to get under way our Doggies nanny Danny is all about Safety tips these days and today it was all about not being left in cars or tied up at any Restaurants while our parents are dinning. There are many reasons as you will read another safety tip Danny is always preaching to us four legged charges is the BUDDY SYSTEM and we must practice it for ten minutes every day until we leave for our big trip around this big world. It sure is getting close and I and the rest of the gang is getting excited soon my Mum said we will start to go shopping for new toys and rain coats. I am so excited!
That is it for today here in sunny Los Angeles, and as we say in London, Ta-ta, Cheerio,
Love Cappy Bowes Rees
The Answer is NO NO nearer should you leave a dog tied up! For several reasons
1. This can let an animal feeling abandon
2. This can make an animal feel aggressive and lead to an animal biting a child who stops to pet it or an adult who stops to pet it and see if it is OK.
3. This can lead to the dog overheating and could get heat stroke and die
There are many rules some unwritten and now today in some states like California where it is now LAW that you never leave you Dog or any animal in an unattended car for any amount of time this will lead to a fine and passable a stint in jail.
The same goes for when you tie up a dog it is cruel to the dog. Many people will tell you “ My dog is fine they understand I am just running in to get a coffee” the facts are simple that your dog can be stolen in 2 seconds like a child they can get hot or very cold they can get wet or hit by lightning. The rules are like having a child you would never leave your child tied up outside, please do not leave your dog tied up outside.
As for the dog I is my humble options as to what each dog is going through as some type of dog personalities do not seem to mind the occasional waiting for their owner where other dogs cannot stand to wait one minute the facts are we cannot predict are animals they at the end of the day animals and you never really can fully trust them to always do exactly what you want them to do all the time unless you are with them to show them what to do.
As for the owners/humans the type of person who leaves there dog tied up for an hour lunch is a selfish owner but they really think they are a selfless owner and they think they are doing what is best for their dog by taking their dog with them and not leaving the dog at home. It is the same person who take the dog with them in the car everywhere they go and do not realize just how hot the car get in the summer and how cold the car get in the winter months. The difference in tempters in the car can be up to 30° degrees. It why many states have now put it into law that no animals are to be left alone in any vehicles
"Remember the Animals in your life are not just your pets they're your Friends"©2004WNR
Lord Captain Bowes Rees dutifully reporting in about our
BIG Voyage getting ready to get under way our Doggies nanny Danny is all about Safety tips these days and today it was all about not being left in cars or tied up at any Restaurants while our parents are dinning. There are many reasons as you will read another safety tip Danny is always preaching to us four legged charges is the BUDDY SYSTEM and we must practice it for ten minutes every day until we leave for our big trip around this big world. It sure is getting close and I and the rest of the gang is getting excited soon my Mum said we will start to go shopping for new toys and rain coats. I am so excited!
That is it for today here in sunny Los Angeles, and as we say in London, Ta-ta, Cheerio,
Love Cappy Bowes Rees
The Answer is NO NO nearer should you leave a dog tied up! For several reasons
1. This can let an animal feeling abandon
2. This can make an animal feel aggressive and lead to an animal biting a child who stops to pet it or an adult who stops to pet it and see if it is OK.
3. This can lead to the dog overheating and could get heat stroke and die
There are many rules some unwritten and now today in some states like California where it is now LAW that you never leave you Dog or any animal in an unattended car for any amount of time this will lead to a fine and passable a stint in jail.
The same goes for when you tie up a dog it is cruel to the dog. Many people will tell you “ My dog is fine they understand I am just running in to get a coffee” the facts are simple that your dog can be stolen in 2 seconds like a child they can get hot or very cold they can get wet or hit by lightning. The rules are like having a child you would never leave your child tied up outside, please do not leave your dog tied up outside.
As for the dog I is my humble options as to what each dog is going through as some type of dog personalities do not seem to mind the occasional waiting for their owner where other dogs cannot stand to wait one minute the facts are we cannot predict are animals they at the end of the day animals and you never really can fully trust them to always do exactly what you want them to do all the time unless you are with them to show them what to do.
As for the owners/humans the type of person who leaves there dog tied up for an hour lunch is a selfish owner but they really think they are a selfless owner and they think they are doing what is best for their dog by taking their dog with them and not leaving the dog at home. It is the same person who take the dog with them in the car everywhere they go and do not realize just how hot the car get in the summer and how cold the car get in the winter months. The difference in tempters in the car can be up to 30° degrees. It why many states have now put it into law that no animals are to be left alone in any vehicles
"Remember the Animals in your life are not just your pets they're your Friends"©2004WNR

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