A Dog's Voyage Around the World™
is a story about a pet Lifestyle Advisor and her almost Divorced Husband of 18 years marriage who takes there 4 dogs + there sister dog Prince Gomez back east to their beach home in the Hampton's for the month of AUG. when on a rainy day when the family is off in South Hampton buying supplies for the weekend party the gang of 8 dogs 4 who live back east and the 4 who come to visit for one month begin what will be known as there Voyage around the world ™. This is a funny at times thrilling, story and will be made into a Movie in the year 2012. All rights reserved under Wendy Nan Rees and have been registered to the Writers Guild of America all material is original ©2009WNR Company

Paws who help out

From time to time, you'll find my dog friends here posting other helpful dog information, along with updates about me and my mom's travels, books and movie coming out !! Woof Woof

Friday, March 16, 2012

Wendy on Petolio

Hey everyone!

We hope you’re having a great doggie day. We want to tell you about this great dog site where dogs can have their own sites and owners can be a part of a community which links them to their service providers!

Wendy has a new home page at the link below with videos of her along with her radio show you can listen too.

Wendy Nan Rees, is well known for her ‘TWO MINUTE PET TIPS’

Wendy’s new home at Petolio.com is Created for pet lovers, this site is designed to enhance you and your pet's happiness, comfort, and love! Directed by Wendy Nan Rees—the true Pet Lifestyle Advisor—this is a resource where you will discover new pet tips, recipes and products, get professional advice, and much more.

At Petolio.com we dogs can have our very own website and page, plus we can become member of a large community of pet owner and service providers.

You can find and search for a service provider near to you
You can become a member of service groups and associations
Get invited to events
You and your vet can attend to Medical Records (great idea!)
You can make a calendar to make sure you will not forget an injection date
Service Providers can make websites and pages where it’s always nice to serve through the marketplace

We hope to see you there !
Miss Daisy and Willie G

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