I must tell you what happened this morning, no sooner had I finished my scrum delicious breakfast, something mum had made me as treat for being so, so good last night when Tom and some of his friends came over for a bit of a party, you know how humans can be at times. I must admit I was surprised when someone split a drink on mum’s nice new carpet; mum just laughed and poured another glass of wine, now if that had been me! and I had lets say a small accident and made a very little puddle on the carpet mum would have sent me straight to bed without my BONE….. Gomez who you all know by now is my cousin was unable to come over because his mum and dad where also entertaining which really means a party. So unfortunately I had no one to play with, so mum said for an extra special treat for being so good she would make me something really special for breakfast and WOW mum was right, it sure was extra special. Now back to what mum said this morning and I know your going to think this very strange but if I put a small ship filled with all my treasured possessions and yes that does include my new purple ball, just inside my dog house, facing inward towards my rug then this will help bring everything I need for my coming adventures. I told you it will sound really strange but think about it before you judge it……mum has always been right before. Now just got to find a ship that will fit…….Mum can we go for a walk, past the marina…that should do the trick.
Ta-ta, Cheerio,
Love Cappy Bowes Rees
Ta-ta, Cheerio,
Love Cappy Bowes Rees
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